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Jordi Tura i Brugués's Characterizing Entanglement and Quantum Correlations PDF

By Jordi Tura i Brugués

This thesis makes a speciality of the research and characterization of entanglement and nonlocal correlations restricted below symmetries. It comprises unique effects in addition to unique tools and causes for a couple of assorted threads of analysis: confident partial transpose (PPT) entanglement within the symmetric states; a unique, experimentally pleasant technique to become aware of nonlocal correlations in many-body platforms; the non-equivalence among entanglement and nonlocality; and elemental monogamies of correlations. Entanglement and nonlocal correlations represent primary assets for quantum details processing, as they enable novel initiatives which are another way most unlikely in a classical situation. besides the fact that, their elusive characterization continues to be a crucial challenge in quantum info thought. the most the reason is, any such basic factor is still a powerful problem lies within the exponential development in complexity of the Hilbert area in addition to the gap of multipartite correlations. actual platforms of curiosity, however, exhibit symmetries that may be exploited to minimize this complexity, commencing the prospect that a few of these questions develop into tractable for such systems.

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Characterizing Entanglement and Quantum Correlations Constrained by Symmetry (Springer Theses) by Jordi Tura i Brugués

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