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Download e-book for iPad: Catullus and the Poetics of Roman Manhood by David Wray

By David Wray

This e-book applies comparative cultural and literary versions to a studying of Catullus' poems as social performances of a 'poetics of manhood': a competitively, usually outrageously, self-allusive bid for acceptance and admiration. past readings of Catullus, in response to Romantic and Modernist notions of 'lyric' poetry, have tended to target the connection with Lesbia and to disregard nearly all of the shorter poems, that are in its place directed at different males. Professor Wray techniques those poems within the mild of newer versions for figuring out male social interplay within the premodern Mediterranean, putting them of their in particular Roman old context whereas bringing out their strikingly 'postmodern' characteristics. the result's another approach of examining the fiercely competitive and delicately sophisticated agonism played in Catullus' shorter poems. All Latin and Greek quoted is provided with an English translation.

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Catullus and the Poetics of Roman Manhood by David Wray

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